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[dis-guhst, dih-skuhst] 
verb (used with object):
1. to cause loathing or nausea in

2. to offend the good taste, moral sense, etc. of; cause extreme dislike or revulsion in: Your vulgar remarks disgust me.

3. a strong distaste; nausea; loathing.
4. repugnance caused by something offensive; strong aversion: He left the room in disgust.

Synonyms of Disgust include  dislike, distaste, hatefulness, hatred, loathing and nausea. While its antonyms are admiration, appeal, fondness, and liking. Disgust is commonly used to describe a person's or things reaction to something distasteful. However it is most popular use is its adjective form, Disgusting, which is used to describe a person, place or thing. For example when someone says, "that carrot cake was disgusting," or "the way James acted was disgusting."

Top 10 Disgusting Foods

[According to Listverse]

1. Snake blood & bile

2. Balut- duck fetus

3. Bee Larvae (aka Hachinoko)

4. Spider

5. Monkey Brain

6. Rat

7. Caterpilla Fungus- fungi in insect larvae

8. Bird Spit- cave swift  (type of bird) nests

9. Ox Penis

10. Kopi Luwak-coffee beans derived from civet's (small mammal) excrement




Kopi Luwak sells for about $120-$160 per pound

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